Dear Readers,
A human being can’t live in this Earth without three basic thing such as food, cloth and shelter. The shelter has to take place in land and therefore the land can’t be traded like a commercial commodity as we conduct trade on other consumer items like vehicle, utensils and accessories of life. The land has to be available to any human being in a reasonable price. And No commodity should be prized more than its productivity also. That is the basic of any trade. If you buy or sell anything above the productivity of an item, then it will perish very soon and it works only as a bubble. So we cannot allow the commercial trade on Land since it is so essential for human being and its existence. If we allow trade on very existence of human being, they will become more aggressive and reactive towards the system and resort to violent method of reaction, which destroys the peace and tranquillity of the human society. Therefore the price fixation of land in Kerala is unethical and unscientific, which needs to be corrected with immediate effect. If these pricing is done to please anybody to meet the commitment, I would say the government and its partners are engaging in very risky and volatile business, which may burn them forever. So correct the mistake before it becomes a disease that kills yourselves very soon.
I have a suggestion to put forward to general public regarding the fixation of price of land. If the government likes to adopt it they can also takes it to implement the correction in its policy of fixation of price of land. According to me the land has to be priced at two levels such as low price and high price and there should be a fixed amount Rs. 500 for registering one cent of land. The low price of a land is determined in order to stop cheating the individuals for any personal or family purpose. The high price of land is determined in order to stop cheating the Bank for loan and other deals with registered documents as security in relation to Public Money. This low and high price has to be determined by the government agency and the high price has to be much below the market price of the land at that particular time. Then only the bank can retain its money from the security attached to it for financial transactions. Otherwise certain individuals will register land for very high price and take loan from Bank and cheat it, which will result in the bankruptcy and vanishing of public money. Apart from this the people will become lazier and they will engage in real estate trade and won’t work in the land to produce anything. They think that real estate business is good and they can live in this Earth without any work at production level. So the price of land has to be kept low for making the people a working class and engaging them in production of agricultural goods.
The government is standing as a witness in the transaction of land between me and another individual. For this activity of the government to keep the record of our transaction, they can charge a fixed amount and it can be determined form time to time also. This has to be determined in a fair way between 500 to 1000 for one cent at any given time of the history. As government is a party in vehicle transaction in the name of registration, the same authority is a party in land transaction in the name of registration. The government is not taking percentage of price of vehicle instead it has a fixed amount for each vehicle to register. Similarly the government can fix an amount for the registration of one cent anywhere in Kerala. Thus the government will get a nice income as per the transaction of cents occurred in each year. The people will be also happy that the poor people get relief from the exorbitant amount needed for registering a piece of land due to the bureaucratic inefficiency and red tapism. I hope the registration department of Kerala government seriously consider this vexed issue on war foot basis before the public resort to violent method of reaction towards the bureaucracy and government.
Now I put forward a request to my readers to co-operate in a movement towards the each district head quarters to make the government aware about the need of addressing this vexed issue before the forth coming election to Legislative assembly in 2011 and pass this information to as many people as possible to realise the basic need of an individual to live in this Earth.
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